I offer classic coaching by the month and in multi-month packages that are targeted at specific questions or issues the client brings to the calls. These sessions can be either in person or conducted by phone or Skype.
Also offered……
The Journey to Essential Spirit
The Journey (to Essential Spirit) is an intensive investigation into the creation of a fulfilling spiritual
life. Flowing through the creation of intention, to daily practice and the creation of sacred space and
finishing with advanced contemplation and expression. The Journey is not based on texts or established
paths or religion. It is a non-denominational excursion into the physical, real expression of spirit, on the
cushion, on your knees, walking in nature, smelling flowers, picking up rocks or however it manifests for
you. The expression that is you and connects you to spirit is what we will discover.
Who is this for? The quick answer is: all of us. Based on the paradigm of Mind, Body and Spirit
balance, there is often a sense that there is ‘something more’ or ‘something missing’. This sense hovers
just outside our peripheral awareness, we sometimes get a taste of that something in moments of grace,
in nature, in relationship, meditation or prayer. Just as we are always in our bodies, our minds always
working, spirit is always there, waiting for us.
The Journey takes place over eight weeks. There is a teleclass/seminar each week . These
coupled with a structured outline of investigation and weekly one-on-one coaching calls will be the
catalyst that defines, designs and creates this unique expression of your spirit and your connection to
Integrity Challenge
And for those looking to make a radical shift in the way the world occurs for them and for how they are perceived in the
world the “Integrity Challenge” is for you! Investigating all areas of life and finding those places where personal
integrity is not present. While not easy and not always a comfortable endeavor, this program will create a profound
difference in your life and in the lives of those you care about.